About Calendar

eM Client's calendar offers an easy way to keep track of appointments, schedule your time and share your calendar with other people through CalDAV protocol.

But I hear you ask, "what's wrong with conventional calendars, you know, the ones made of paper?" To which I say, you might as well have asked, what's wrong with telegram? or steam engine? eM Client's calendar does everything conventional calendars do and a host of advanced and useful other features.

Events recorded in the eM Client's calendar can be reminded by visual alerts. The calendar can be arranged into various layouts. One can hardly get paper calendars to switch between day, week or month layouts or send out invitations and collect responses for organizing meetings and other events, or even fill itself up with your regular events! yet all this eM Calendar can do with a few mouse clicks.

The following links will show you - how to get started or work with more than one calendar, how to work with the calendar's toolbar and different layouts, how to change the calendar's preferences and especially how to work with events, and add event requests.




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